Register for our latest webinar
Nucleic acid purification is the first crucial step in genomics downstream applications such as sequencing, PCR, transfection and more.
However, traditional spin-column-based DNA and RNA extraction workflows are time-consuming.
What if there is a new way to free researchers and let them focus on other priorities?
Join this webinar to discover more about the new standards in high and low-volume nucleic acid purification.
You will learn from an Omega Bio-tek expert how the new
MagBinder® Fit24 can become your ultimate automated solution for reliable nucleic acid extraction from a wide range of sample types.
The MagBinder® Fit24 introduces a convenient and efficient method for extracting high-quality DNA and RNA from up to 4 mL
of sample volume, while still eluting in 50 µL.
With the magnetic bead basis of this technology, the nucleic acid extraction process is automated post-lysis.
Less hands-on work, more reliable results — sign up to learn more!
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